
Privacy information according to art. 13 of the Legislative decree 196/03
Privacy Policy

RGB BAMBOO S.R.L. (Hereinafter RGB) provides in compliance with art. 13 of the Legislative decree 196/2003 (Code on personal data protection) of Recommendation n. 2/2001 of the Working group art 29 on directive 95/46/EC a few information on your personal data treatment in case you visit the website www.rgb-bamboo.it

Personal data collection and treatment
Surfing data
The IT systems and software procedures enforced for the present website operation acquire, during their standard operation, some personal data whose transmission is included in the use of the internet communication protocol use. This is an information which is not collected to be associated to identify people, but for its nature it could through processing and associations with data held by third parties, allows to identify the user.

This information could through matching and processing with third party data, allows to identify users/visitors (for example IP addresses, computer domain name used by the users surfing the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the demanded resources, time of the request, used method to forward the request to the server, received answer file, numerical code referring to the answer provided by the server (completed, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system or the user IT ambience).

The data is only used to get statistical anonymous information on the website our and to check its correct operation and they are removed immediately after its processing.

The data could be used to ascertain any liability in case of possible IT crimes against the website.

Data voluntary supplied
In the sections “newsletter”, “contact us” and “register”, you will be asked to provide for personal data. You will be supplied the information in compliance with Art. 13 of Legislative decree 196/2003 relating to the persona data treatment according to the specific goal. You will be asked the authorisation to allow RGB to treat your personal data.

The specific information for the section “register” is available here
The specific information for the section “contract us” is available here
The specific information for the section “newsletter” is available here

The information relating to the used cookies on the website are available in the following URL: cookies

Data provision
With the exception of what specified for the surfing data, the data provision for other goals is not compulsory. Should it not be provided, it could be impossible to reach such goals and more precisely it will not be possible to register, receive the newsletter or get the demanded information.

Treatment goals and communication field of the personal data
RGB will treat your personal data:

  • To allow the surfing of its website;
  • To technically and commercially administer its website;
  • To process the statistics relating to the use of the website by the users;
  • To get orders from registered customers;
  • To answer any possible contact, information or registration to the newsletter requests by the users.

Treatment modes
Your personal data will be automatically treated.

It will be treated by RGB operators and consultants who are appointed for the treatment according to art. 30 of Legislative decree 196/03.

Specific safety measures are enforced as to avoid losing data, illegal or incorrect use and non-authorised access.

Data communication
Your data, object of the treatment, could be transferred to subjects related to RGB, inside the European Union in compliance with what forecast by Legislative decree n. 196/2003. Data could be transferred to third parties belonging to the following categories:

  • External companies liable for the website management and maintenance;
  • Platform managers offering social network and analysis services;
  • Companies or external commercial operators;
  • Shipping agents, Post offices and logistics companies;
  • Banks and credit institutes;
  • Public safety authority.

The subjects belonging to such categories are liable for the data treatment according to art. 29 of the Legislative decree 196/03, or they are independent treatment owners. The list of the managers and owners is constantly updated and made available to RGB headquarters.

Your data will be not spread out.

The information is not provided relating to our consulted websites by the users through links present on the website, which are to be considered independent treatment owners.

Your rights
Any time you can ask to have your data cancelled, copied, updated, adjusted or supplemented or finally blocked in violation of the law according to what forecast by Art. 7 of Legislative decree 196/2003.

To exercise your data, forward an information through e-mail at the following address info@rgb-bamboo.it.

Data treatment owner
The treatment owner is RGB BAMBOO SRL registered office Via 1 Maggio, 27/E - 46051 S. GIORGIO BIGARELLO (MN).

Registrati per non perdere le ultime novità sui nostri prodotti.